4.7 ( 6967 ratings )
Hudební Zábava
Vývojář: Danilo Desole

In order to celebrate 20 years of great Pearl Jam music as big fans we developed an application for fans.

Amazing features for amazing people


Youll be able to browse through the songs of every albums and download them by iTunes

Album history
Check where a song has been played and the entire setlist of that concert


Read about the band history

You can search by song, city, country and venue!!!


This section is something that will allow you to:

Browse every tour and choose any show as an "attended show"!

Browse the forum, login into the forum. You can also post and check your pms

Check out the news and be always updated by rss feeds

Tap on "Upcoming shows" and check if the band is touring.

How many shows did you attend?
How many Cities/Country/US States did you visit travelling with PJ?
How many Songs did you listened to? Which songs? Where and When?!
Would you like to have a map of YOUR tour?

Based on the shows you have checked as "attended" by the Tour section, you will be able answer all those questions!!!

Share your statistics on Facebook

...and...last but no least...Listen to PJ Radio!!!

New great features are coming, stay tuned and...